Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Rainy Week Filled with Miracles - Aug 22, 2016

Hello everyone!  Today I don't have a lot of time to email, because we
are going to the Alamo and Mercado again! I am so excited ☺️ But I
would like to share some thoughts and impressions from the spirit
about this past week.

I hope you've been able to see the Lord's hand in your life throughout
the week; I sure have! Sister Stenquist and I have had some pretty
great adventures here in Texas while preaching the gospel! This week
has been very rainy, and we are very grateful for the HOT HUMID break.
But we've seen so many incredible miracles occur!

This week has been another great week in the mighty TSAM. The Lord is
still teaching us patience in Palo Alto, but I'm learning so much from
it. Our members are still incredible and wanting to help out as best
as they can with missionary work. We are working with a lot of less
active members-a lot of whom are really progressing and starting to
come back to church! I absolutely love to see the light of Christ
enter back into the heart of a member who has strayed into the dark.
Heavenly Father loves each and every one of His children, and will
provide a way in His timing for them to come unto Him. We also have a
new investigator named Roger; he's so incredible! We met Roger by
knocking on his door a few houses down from a lesson that we were
early to. Roger answered the door and was very kind and receptive
right away! He met with us outside in the rain, and we were able to
teach the entire message of The Restoration. We gave Roger a copy of
The Book of Mormon, and he told us he was "so excited to read and
highlight and just mark it all up with thoughts and impressions". He
expressed that he would love for us to come back and teach him more-
and the best part is.... *Drumroll please* He's YSA age! 😉 We are so
excited to see what the Lord has in store for Roger; I know there will
continue to be miracles.

I absolutely love my sweet companion, Sister Stenquist- she's such an
incredible missionary to learn from! I am so amazed by the faith and
trust that she has in the promises of the Lord. We are learning to
work really well together, and we are teaching in unison. The Lord is
really blessing us- and I feel truly blessed to have such outstanding

I'd like to continue to end by sharing my testimony with y'all in
Spanish. I absolutely love to share the gospel in my new favorite
language ;) But again, please keep in mind I'm still a beginner!

Jesucristo es mi Salvador. Yo sé que mediante Él, podemos tratar ser
mejor cada día. ¡Tenemos un Padre Celestial, y Él nos ama muchísimo!
El Libro de Mormón es verdadero y tenemos este libro porque José Smith
fue un increíble profeta de Dios. Él tenía tanto mucho fe. Estoy muy
agradecida por esta oportunidad tengo servir en el TSAM. Este misión
ha cambiado mi vida para siempre. Estoy feliz que yo puedo vivir con
mi familia para siempre- quiero compartir esta mensaje sobre familias
eternas con todos. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amén.

Thank you for everything, I love you all so much! I hope your week is
absolutely wonderful, and good luck to all y'all who start school this

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Freeman

-B&W one is right after Sister Stenquist and I got caught in the rain
umbrellaless. We were soaked!
-Sister Stenquist, a member named Tiffany, and I tracting out in the
pouring rain! (I know I know, it's pretty apparent that I went
makeupless that day, don't judge.)
-Sister Stenquist and I had some SERIOUS umbrella malfunctions! (JUST
-Stephani, AJ, Sister Stenquist and I tracting right after a rainstorm
(wow, so many rain pics)
-SIster Stenquist and I with the ADORABLE Zendejo family!
-The Lake Vista Apartment sisters back at it again! (Everyone but my
sweet compa wore floral 😉)

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