Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Hello Everyone!!

I hope y'all were able to have an incredible week! I have really felt
the Spirit in abundance this week, and I am so grateful! As I've gone
back and reflected on the things I learned in General Conference, I've
come to realize that I have a lot of things I could be better at. I
have learned to LOVE being humbled and called to repentance by the
Lord. It just shows us our incredible divine potential; the way He
sees us with Eternal Eyes. Our loving Heavenly Father has so much in
store for each of his beloved children.

This week was good in Riverside. We were able to have many great
lessons! I have really come to realize just how much I LEARN while I'm
TEACHING. The Gospel is so incredible and it encompasses SO much; we
will never stop learning and receiving witnesses from the Spirit. As a
mission, we've been asked to study "Revelation Through The Book of
Mormon" this month, and I have already learned so much! I testify that
The Book of Mormon really is the Keystone of our Religion. Our
investigators MUST read from The Book of Mormon, ponder on its
teachings, and ask in fervent prayer if the book is true. I truly know
and testify that any person who does this with a sincere heart, will
receive a personal witness from the Holy Ghost of the truthfulness of
The Book of Mormon. I have also come to learn through my studies, just
how important it is that we are using The Book of Mormon throughout
our teaching! I can most definitely be much better with that.

Kevin's baptism on Saturday was incredible! I cried a lot. He is just
so incredible and so ready for the gospel! He was REALLY nervous at
first, but after he was baptized he said he felt "warm and fuzzy". AH!
He was feeling the Spirit so strong! I am so happy for him. His
confirmation on Sunday was also incredible! Baptism and the Gift of
the Holy Ghost are such an incredible gift from our loving Heavenly
Father. AH, I just love the work!

Hermana Gonzalez and I are trying to work hard here in Riverside! I
learn from her example of dedicated and devoted service to the Lord
each day. I can clearly see how much she LOVES the gospel and the

I'll close again with my testimony-

La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días es
verdadera. Sé que El Libro de Mormón is verdadero y es muy poderoso en
la conversión. Sé que el Espíritu Santo testifica de la verdad. Sé que
Dios es nuestro AMOROSO Padre Celestial. Sé que Jesucristo vive, y él
es nuestro Salvador. ¡Amo este Evangelio y la obra de misional! En el
nombre de Jesucristo, Amén.

I I hope you all have another wonderful week! Watch for the hand of
the Lord in your life. And read The Book of Mormon daily. Your. Life.
Will. Be. Changed.

I love you all!

Con amor,
Hermana Freeman

P.S. I don't even know how this is possible, but next week is
transfers! The time is FLOWN by. But next week I'll let you know if
I'll be staying or going!

-Hermana Gonzalez wanted a pre baptism selfie
-We went to P.Terry's after to celebrate

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