Hello everyone!!
Wow, what an incredible General Conference we were able to have
yesterday and Saturday. I know many people who watch Conference say
things like "Wow I feel like the talks were specifically for me!" And
I have to say, I feel this way too! Many of the talks were addressing
things I personally, needed to hear! The reason that millions of
people watching General Conference can say, "Wow, that talk was really
just for me!", is because the Holy Ghost carries the words of the
talks into the each person's heart, the exact way that individual
needs to hear the message. We were not only taught by Prophets, Seers,
and Revelators yesterday-but we were taught by the third member of the
Godhead, the Holy Ghost. How blessed we are to have a loving Heavenly
Father who has given us modern day prophets to lead and guide us in
today's world and challenges! I am in absolute awe from the things I
was able to learn Saturday and Sunday from the mouths of God's
servants, and of course the Holy Ghost.
The topics I felt were really addressed this weekend are:
-The Plan of Happiness (or Salvation) that our Heavenly Father has for us
-The Atonement of Jesus Christ
-How to get more out of our Sunday church attendance
I would invite each and everyone of you to go and read and reread over
and over the talks we heard this Conference. IT WAS SO INCREDIBLE.
This week in Riverside has been pretty good! We've been able to have
some great lessons with investigators and less actives. On Friday, we
finished teaching all the lessons to our investigator Kevin! We are so
excited for him, his baptism is this upcoming Saturday at 7 PM! I know
without a shadow of a doubt that he has been prepared for the Restored
Gospel by our Heavenly Father. I am amazed to see how he takes and
understands the principles we teach him with such grace and happiness,
the Holy Ghost is really working with him. Kevin has turned absolutely
everything over to the Lord, he has such a love for the Gospel and its
teachings. Kevin's testimony ALWAYS strengthens mine. The Gospel of
Jesus Christ really does bring such joy into the lives of God's
children. I just have such a burning desire to share it with everyone!
My companion Hermana Gonzalez is doing good. Her testimony in the
gospel is so incredible, it's such an example for me and my testimony!
She willingly submits to the will of God always, and absolutely LOVES
missionary work. She is an example to me about not giving up- there
has been many times where we were talking to someone, and I personally
thought that they just didn't seem to be that interested. I would
think, we should just move on to someone new. But not Hermana
Gonzalez! She truly wants every soul to hear the message of this
incredible gospel, and she tries so hard to share at the truth with
everyone! It's so incredible for me to watch her love for all of our
Heavenly Father's children. We are working very hard to have a unified
Before I close, I'd like to share a few of my thoughts and notes about
President Russell M. Nelson's talk from yesterday. President Nelson
talked about having joy in our lives! We learn from 2 Nephi 2:25 that
"...Men are that they might have joy." We are meant to have joy in
this life! President Nelson said a quote that I wrote down, and will
remember forever and ever. He said, "Joy has nothing to do with the
purpose of our lives, but the focus of our lives. When we focus on His
plan for us, we will have joy!" He tells us that "We can feel joy
every day of our lives, even when we are having a bad day." I know
that we all have trials and hard things in our lives, and things can
get hard! But as we are focusing on our Heavenly Father's perfect plan
for us, and the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, we can feel joy
each day! He also said, "Anything that opposes the Doctrine of Christ,
will block joy." We have the secret to feeling joy right here! I pray
that we can keep our focuses in the right direction, especially when
we are going through something hard. Our LOVING Heavenly Father is
there, please turn to Him! Lay your burdens at the feet of your Savior
Jesus Christ- He already suffered them for YOU. He knows EXACTLY how
to help YOU. He loves YOU. Wow, joy is such a powerful word. The
gospel is just so great!
I'd like to close with my testimony-
Sé que La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días es
verdadero. Sé que tenemos profetas de Dios en la tierra hoy, porque
Dios nos ama. Y Él nos quiere dar dirección por nuestras vidas. Sé que
las profetas reciben revelaciones de Dios para nosotros con esa
dirección. Sé que cuando escuchamos y seguimos las profetas, estamos
haciendo las cosas Dios nos quiere hacer. Estoy muy agradecida por la
oportunidad yo tuve escuchar a las profetas en Sábado y Domingo.
Necesitamos recordar las cosas aprendimos mediante el Espíritu Santo
durante La Conferencia General. Este es revelación personal de su
Padre Celestial a usted. ¡Dios nos ama! El Libro de Mormón es
verdadero. Podemos saber el libro es verdad, si leemos, meditamos, y
oramos a nuestro Padre Celestial. Yo testifico necesitamos leer El
Libro de Mormón cada día. José Smith es La Profeta de La Restauración.
Él fue un hombre muy fiel de Dios. Sé que él vio todos las cosas el
nos digo él vio. Sé que El Sacerdocio de Dios es real y muy poderoso.
Estoy muy agradecida tener El Evangelio Restaurado en la tierra hoy.
¡Somos tan bendecidos! Tenemos un Salvador, Jesucristo. Él sufrió para
mí, y para usted. Él nos ama muchísimo. Yo sé todas de estas cosas
porque el Espíritu Santa ha testificaba a mí la verdad. En el nombre
de nuestro amoroso Salvador, Jesucristo, Amén.
I hope you all have an incredible week filled with joy! Remember to
watch for the hand of the Lord in your life daily! He loves you.
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Freeman
P.S. Sorry for the lack of pictures, we didn't do so well this week
with remembering to take pictures... Next week will be better
hopefully 😉
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